2017-08-11 Notes on the movie Whiplash
Related: LifeSkills CareerJournal MentalModels MyCommentary Originally published [2017-08-11 Fri]. Some . . . mind + body + surroundings Great performance is about that perfect balance between the body, mind and . . .
6K - last updated 2024-01-06 06:56 UTC by shrysr
2019-01-25 Why bother with Emacs and workflows
Related: EmacsStuff CodeJournal PersonalKnowledgeManagementNotes ProductivityJournal I've written [[EmacsStuff|several . . . available to aid productivity, probably a lot about Emacs. My background is in computational physics, . . . editor' is not something you can freely talk about and frequently expect empathetic responses or . . .
5K - last updated 2023-12-29 07:31 UTC by shrysr
2019-10-29 EmacsConf 2019 !
Tags: [[tag:EmacsStuff]] [[tag:EmacsConf]] I had forgotten about the 2019 Emacs conference, and was actually . . .
2K - last updated 2023-12-25 22:52 UTC by shrysr
2019-12-09 Webinar Notes - Sam Gavis - 3 Pillars of coding interviews
I attended this webinar by [[https://www.byte-by-byte.com/ Sam Gavis]] which was a precursor to his new . . . was interesting. The most interesting aspect is about the portion about recreating things without the . . . stuck on a problem? The other point of note is about the importance of stressing on a strategy to . . .
2K - last updated 2020-01-20 05:37 UTC by shrysr
2020-01-16 Back to tinkering with oddmuse
Related: OddmuseWiki CodeJournal SocialOutreach PublishingOnline After a little break wherein I setup . . . There is something tranquil and simplistic about blogging oddmuse and the entire feel of the setup. . . .
2K - last updated 2023-12-24 21:07 UTC by shrysr
2020-01-19 A quick Summary on website setup plans
I stumbled across [Fisseha Berhane's](https://datascience-enthusiast.com/) wonderful website today and . . . oddmuse curl only for a day, but the setup was about 5-10 lines of elisp and involves no password. . . .
4K - last updated 2023-12-29 07:29 UTC by shrysr
2020-01-19 Haskell being a different approach to literate programming
In the #emacs channel today, [thblt](https://github.com/thblt) mentioned that Haskell offers a different . . . it is worth, I do not hear this topic talked about very often. Related: LiterateProgramming CodeJournal . . .
2K - last updated 2024-01-16 05:42 UTC by shrysr
2020-01-19 Notes - What they forgot to teach you about R
*This post is first in a part of a series.* The [book](https://rstats.wtf/), 'What they forgot to teach . . . you about R' being co-authored by [[https://twitter.com/JennyBryan . . . practices. This is an interesting quote talking about the developer driving the process using tools . . .
4K - last updated 2020-01-20 06:21 UTC by shrysr
2020-01-21 Setting up Continuous Integration (CI) for docker containers
This blog post takes you through the process of setting up Continuous Integration for building docker . . . ## Notes about build and queue The free build time is rather . . . > > GitHub Actions enables you . . . you own or manage. For more information see, "About self-hosted runners." > > You can create workflows . . .
14K - last updated 2020-01-22 06:24 UTC by shrysr
2020-04-01 Some thoughts on hosting your own blog
Related: MyCommentary PublishingOnline SocialOutreach TechnologyChoices > This is an expansion to my . . . a query on Linked in] about getting off medium for publishing data science . . . options to begin with. The most important aspect about posting content on your own blog or domain is . . .
6K - last updated 2023-12-24 22:21 UTC by shrysr
2020-05-14 No website or blog is perfect
As I see different websites and blogs I realise that none of them are perfect. THere is no need for all . . . information, I think it will be worth talking about. Tools like oddmuse are able to serve 1000+ pages . . .
1K - last updated 2020-05-15 04:57 UTC by shrysr
2020-05-15 Going beyond the Leuven theme. A note on Themes
Tags: [[tag:EmacsStuff]] I wrote earlier that the [[2020-01-19 The Leuven Theme still works best for . . . into the private Emacs space. One could say that about Zenburn as well, however, the contrast is soothing . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-15 07:51 UTC by shrysr
2022-09-01-233026 General notes on ikiwiki
[2022-09-01 Thu 23:30] OddmuseWiki PublishingOnline CodeJournal SoftwareNotes [Ikiwiki](http://ikiwiki.info/) . . . based! - <https://anarc.at/> - <https://jmtd.net/about/> On the whole, Ikiwiki is actually feature rich, . . . this particular forum post - [Some thoughts about Ikiwiki](https://ikiwiki.info/forum/Some_thoughts_about_Ikiwiki/), . . . Another old forum post, talks about a possible plan to [rewrite ikiwiki in haskell](https://ikiwiki.info/todo/rewrite_ikiwiki_in_haskell/) . . .
4K - last updated 2024-01-06 21:49 UTC by shrysr
2023-07-08 A summary of my journey to Oddmuse
> Article describing an evolution in thought process that led to using Oddmuse for my blog and site. . . . oddmuse-curl and yaoddmuse.el provide the . . . I am currently one of the admins. Learning more about Oddmuse (and hopefully contributing at some point) . . .
7K - last updated 2023-09-02 08:15 UTC by shrysr
2023-07-16 More thoughts on this website and oddmuse
[2023-07-13 16:33] Tags: [[tag:BlogPublished]] [[tag:OddmuseWiki]] [[tag:MyCommentary]] [[tag:EmacsStuff]] . . . post]] . . . where he talks about troubleshooting some issues with oddmuse made . . . of things that I am still neglecting to think about with respect to 'running a wiki' or even a VPS. . . . admit, this post was initially different and was about thoughts of jumping back into a static html website, . . .
7K - last updated 2024-01-25 02:14 UTC by shrysr
2023-07-23 On Data Unicorns Shiny and other things
[2023-06-24 22:21] Tags: [[MyCommentary]] [[DataScienceJournal]] [[RNotes]] [[CodeJournal]] [[PythonNotes]] . . . Recently, I came across a question in a forum about the difference between data scientists and MLOps . . . unexpected. I do agree on the first point about the definition depending on the company size, . . . a much needed awareness to the data scientist about the 'world' of things that they typically do . . . not think about (and ideally should). For example, at its roots . . .
9K - last updated 2024-01-26 23:14 UTC by shrysr
2023-07-29 Some notes on the Emacs configuration generator
[2023-07-29 14:06] The [[https://emacs.amodernist.com/|Emacs configuration generator]] is a great way . . . post]] talks about the experiment that spawned the tool. The section . . . about forward ideas also appears to being inclined . . . it niche. There are varying schools of thought about starter kits. My own experience is that one follows . . . a comfortable Emacs experience. The great thing about this approach is the ability to retain a sense . . .
5K - last updated 2023-07-29 21:42 UTC by shrysr
2023-08-07 Literate Programming - Emacs, Howard Abrams and Library of Babel
Tags: [[tag:MLOps Resources]] [[tag:CodeJournal]] [[tag:EmacsStuff]] *This post was originally published . . . my programming explorations, I've been bothered about my sub-par workflows. I could not easily reference . . .
4K - last updated 2023-12-26 18:29 UTC by shrysr
2023-11-30 Train in a no-frills environment and notes about interviews
Related: CodeJournal CareerJournal MentalModels MyCommentary I came across ThePrimeagen some months ago . . . on other vidoes - this one coveres a story about a developer failing an interview at Netflix: . . .
4K - last updated 2023-12-23 19:33 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-09 A wiki supports writing as a operator
[2023-12-09 Sat 09:26] Related: OddmuWiki BlogPublished OddmuseWiki SocialOutreach MentalModels MyCommentary . . . this website and oddmuse|A previous post]] talks about my journey to oddmuse and the fact that I like . . . myself to writing full time. WillLarson talks about [https://readwise.io/reader/shared/01hh5nthfec5mtfzawdfp0f4ka . . . and catering to things that 'people want to read about' as opposed to engaging with a problem of interest, . . . It felt like the paragraphs above did not talk about the benefits of the wiki style of approach as . . .
4K - last updated 2023-12-26 18:41 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-16-084601 Brief thoughts on curation and AI assisted tools
[2023-12-16 Sat 08:46] Related: DataScienceJournal PersonalKnowledgeManagementNotes MyCommentary BlogPublished . . . ProductivityJournal KooPingShung talks about [curation being one potential way](https://koopingshung.substack.com/p/lets-talk-about-curation) . . . it all, you can then ask NotebookLM questions about your material, thanks to Google’s large language . . . book ((Ahrens, Sonke, 2017)) is fundamentally about building a digital garden of notes. The digital . . .
6K - last updated 2023-12-24 10:17 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-17 A brief look outside the Emacs-verse for Zettelkasten and personal wikis
[2023-09-03 Sun 15:34] Related: EmacsStuff MyCommentary CriticalReview ZettelkastenNotes ProductivityJournal . . . - in my opinion one of the less talked about side benefits of using Emacs, is the abundance . . . task management|old article]] where I talk about how [[EmacsWiki:OrgMode|OrgMode]] beat Todoist . . .
7K - last updated 2023-12-22 20:12 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-20-213914 Using pip install --user and it's purpose
[2023-12-20 21:39] Related : CodeJournal PythonNotes MyCommentary [https://luminousmen.com/post/why-use-pip-install-user . . . Use pip install --user] is a an article talking about why the `--user` flag is useful while installing . . .
2K - last updated 2023-12-23 21:29 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-24-111303 Systematically identifying skill sets relevant to data science - the hard way
[2023-12-24 Sun 11:13] SocialOutreach MyProjects OddmuseWiki DataScienceJournal CareerJournal BusinessJournal . . . [[2020-04-29 Rants on maintaining a job wiki|bit about that wiki]] in the past, at a time when I was . . . statement: The Data Science weekly authors talk about collecting job descriptions in a high number . . . already available to do so. - One clear con is about the information becoming outdated. Startups may . . . garden, in the sense, gathering more information about the companies that I have found rather than just . . .
6K - last updated 2023-12-26 20:54 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-27-174220 The howm manual is out and left me with mixed feelings
[2023-12-27 Wed 17:42] Related: MoodJournal PhilosophyJournal <<<LifeJournal HowmNotes EmacsWiki EmacsStuff . . . existing before that. It made me reflect about many things. For instance, I had not contributed . . . of interesting information in the manual, about the package itself, as well as the motivation . . . also an example of a workflow on the Emacs wiki about using the 'G' key to filter through search results. . . . Another interesting note from the manual is about howm taking 25 seconds to list all notes in the . . .
9K - last updated 2024-01-14 17:52 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-27-195154 Muhammad Ali and an example of brain over brawn
[2023-12-27 Wed 19:51] Related: MentalModels LifeSkills BookNotes InspirationJournal (Dweck, Carol S., . . . power; Ali said that he had read up everything about Liston, including his manner of thinking outside . . . Perhaps this quote summarises what he meant about studying SonnyListon and his preparation: > The . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-14 18:33 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-28-121001 Mental models as a concept
[2023-12-28 Thu] Related: LifeSkills BusinessJournal PhilosophyJournal MentalModels MyCommentary - Mental . . . models are about thinking and creating 'followable' models or . . . analyses of the situation. For example, knowing about the concept factor of safety that is incorporated . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-14 18:32 UTC by shrysr
2024-01-01-154304 Ethics and data science - a hippocratic oath and other things
[2024-01-01 Mon 15:43] Related: DataScienceJournal CodeJournal DataScienceEthics PhilosophyJournal DataGovernance . . . out that highlights some interesting things about discussions related to Ethics in AI and data . . . points and guidelines for policy makers to think about data ethics. One of the main questions asked . . . cannot rely on tech companies to think carefully about the effects of their data fuelled products. It . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-16 11:22 UTC by shrysr
2024-01-25-170422 omg.lol is an interesting service for a particular niche
Related: CodeJournal SoftwareNotes TechnologyChoices I remember coming across [this service](https://home.omg.lol) . . . worth putting down. If I was not fascinated about self-hosting, and did not already have a domain . . . on hosting your own blog|An earlier post]] talks about some aligned points related to self-hosting your . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-26 08:07 UTC by shrysr
A travel packing list reference
[2023-07-09 11:28] Tags: [[tag:TravelStuff]] [[tag:InformationGeneral]] Other than a phase in a previous . . . my wiki, and it gives me an opportunity to write about Tom Bihn, one of my favourite bag companies. . . .
2K - last updated 2023-09-01 23:09 UTC by shrysr
# Recent Updates and RSS follow links . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-10 07:52 UTC by shrysr
About this site
DeletedPage . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-06 18:56 UTC by shrysr
About this website
# This wiki This is an [[OddmuseWiki:About|Oddmuse]] wiki. > This will probably always be under some . . . at some point maybe dig up and finish a draft about the history of my web presence. # License Unless . . . site) may change in the future as I learn more about licenses and my perspectives change. . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-06 03:43 UTC by shrysr
Also goes by kensanata on #oddmuse on IRC. Developed OddmuseWiki. Writes super cool stuff on his blog. . . . There's a lot he writes about that I can empathise with. A bunch of my posts . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-26 23:03 UTC by shrysr
Read more about [[CapnDan| CapnDan a.k.a Daniel MacKay]] on his page in the [https://gay.hfxns.org/DanielMacKay . . . channel in IRC and has taught me many things about OddmuseWiki, and Perl. In the currently rather . . .
1K - last updated 2023-12-25 20:07 UTC by shrysr
Contributions to the CFD-Online wiki
# Motivation During my initial foray into open source CFD and especially getting started with Linux - . . . the CFD-Online Wiki](https://www.cfd-online.com/About/). Nevertheless, this document still serves as . . .
2K - last updated 2019-10-27 19:55 UTC by shrysr
Contributions to the CFD Online wiki
View : [CFD-Online Wikipage](https://www.cfd-online.com/Wiki/What_is_Open_Source%3F). # Motivation During . . . the CFD-Online Wiki](https://www.cfd-online.com/About/). Nevertheless, this document still serves as . . .
2K - last updated 2019-10-27 19:45 UTC by shrysr
An E/N site : Everything Nothing site Learned this from JeremyFriesen, who had pointed to [http://sawv.org/en.html . . . It's not narrowly focused. The author writes about everything or at least everything that's important . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-06 03:36 UTC by shrysr
[[HomePage|Home]] [[About|About]] [[Weblog]] [[Projects]] [[Sitemap]] [[RecentChanges|Updates]] . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-03 05:02 UTC by shrysr
# Welcome Hi! I'm [[shrysr|Shreyas Ragavan]] and this is my corner of the web. Learn more on [[About]]. . . . and may change in the future as well. The [[About]] page has the content license. . . .
2K - last updated 2024-01-14 18:44 UTC by shrysr
Home purchase notes - on bed mattresses
[2023-12-23 Sat 13:29] Related: LifeSkills PurchaseNotes LifeJournal HomePurchaseNotes InformationGeneral . . . has a nice guide about the different mattresses available. Overall, . . . talking about mattress types which offer nice cross-section . . . to consider - [https://www.quaggadesigns.com/about Quagga Designs] : based in Canada and into minimalistic . . .
7K - last updated 2023-12-28 02:58 UTC by shrysr
Click on the heading to search for Jeremy on this wiki. - Consultant, Emacser and prolific blogger running . . . - His blog: https://takeonrules.com/about/ Related: HumanNetwork EmacsStuff CodeJournal . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-05 01:25 UTC by shrysr
> Things about life in general, and related topics that I think contribute to whatever is called life. . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-14 18:36 UTC by shrysr
Linux Notes - Collated version
Tags: [[tag:technicalNotes]] [[tag:Linux notes]] [2023-07-16 Sun] Other notes are collected in smaller, . . . Whatsap and other networks. It still takes up about 1GB of RAM and the app itself is about 500MB, . . . For Debian, the procedure is a little round-about. The following procedure using flatpak is picked . . .
18K - last updated 2023-07-16 20:08 UTC by shrysr
Notes on Decision Intelligence
Related: DataScienceJournal DataScienceEthics MentalModels BehavioralScience BusinessJournal CareerJournal . . . link that let me take it for free. The course is about 1.5 hours long. From: https://towardsdatascience.com/the-best-learning-paths-for-ai-and-data-leadership-fabc3d4f8e36 . . . could be distracted, lack the bandwidth to think about other things. Grief and emotions could be detractors. . . . insight per minute. Managing analysts is about balancing the costs and benefits of exploration. . . . Goal Setting influence on decisions: - Do I care about something and how much do I care about the topic? . . .
7K - last updated 2023-12-23 19:36 UTC by shrysr
> Click on the page title for a search. The following is a list of pages mentioning oddmuse wiki. > Oddmuse[OddmuseWiki:About] . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-14 19:01 UTC by shrysr
A tag to collect notes and ideas where I think something could be a potentially worthy project to think . . . about working on. Oh my, so much hesitation. Well, . . .
1K - last updated 2023-12-28 02:37 UTC by shrysr
A outline of my projects or what could be called projects. The content is in no particular order, but . . . the newer projects are on top. ## [[About_this_website|This Wiki]] > This functions as . . .
3K - last updated 2023-12-26 18:20 UTC by shrysr
R Notes and snippets
Tags: [[tag:RNotes]] [[tag:technicalNotes]] # Installing R on debian {{{ cat >> /etc/apt/sources.list . . . References 1. BSU Course DSB-101-R 2. I learnt about the `Rio` package in this [Stack Overflow discussion](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12945687/read-all-worksheets-in-an-excel-workbook-into-an-r-list-with-data-frames) . . .
25K - last updated 2023-12-11 03:05 UTC by shrysr
<include "About_this_website"> # Me <include "shrysr"> . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-10 07:54 UTC by shrysr
> STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. This page will index the broad categories of the content available on this . . . website. # Site and author related - [[About]] : general information about me and this site. . . . Career related]] : Posts and pages talking about career development - [[MiscCategory|Miscellaneous . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-18 02:12 UTC by shrysr
I can't find all that much about the guy though he obviously has a lot of Youtube videos: - https://github.com/ThePrimeagen . . .
1K - last updated 2023-12-17 23:08 UTC by shrysr
[2023-12-09 Sat 09:33] Tags: [[tag:HumanNetwork]] [[tag:InspirationJournal]] Source : <https://lethain.com/about/> . . .
2K - last updated 2023-12-22 20:59 UTC by shrysr
python notes
Tags: [[tag:technicalNotes]], [[tag:PythonNotes]], [[tag:DataScienceJournal]] The following(incomplete) . . . The Python](http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/about/) - Mike Driscoll's website - [Real Python](https://realpython.com/) . . . to the user. - meant to inform the developer about unrecoverable errors in the program. This differentiates . . . The Python](http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/about/) - Mike Driscoll's website - [Real Python](https://realpython.com/) . . . to the user. - meant to inform the developer about unrecoverable errors in the program. This differentiates . . .
59K - last updated 2023-12-11 00:34 UTC by shrysr
I am Shreyas Ragavan. I started my career as a mechanical engineer and computational physicist with a . . . [[https://readwise.io| Readwise]]: After reading about the power of spaced repetition and the desire . . .
4K - last updated 2024-01-18 02:10 UTC by shrysr
55 pages found.