This page will index the broad categories of the content available on this website.
Site and author related
- About : general information about me and this site.
- Updates : site wide updates, history and diffs.
- Projects : list of notable projects
Notes and Blog
I am currently experiementing with including a UUID for each note. The UUID also corresponds to the file name, and inception date for the note in my HowmNotes driven ZettelkastenNotes system. Therefore a note with a much older inception date could be recently published.
Collections of pages and posts
In no particular order of preference. Note that Code Journal is meant to collect most of the technical topics mentioned below.
- Oddmuse related things - did I mention I really like Oddmuse and do not know Perl? Wikis are fascinating. Oddmuse is cool!
- Data science Related - Anything data science. Both technical and non-technical rants.
- Emacs related : Anything that is remotely related to Emacs, which is probably a lot on this site. Both technical and non-technical stuff.
- R related things : Anything related to R including code snippets, notes and references.
- Python stuff : Anything related to Python, including code snippets, notes and references
- Cool human beings : lists the pages that function as references to cool people. It makes it easier to quote or attribute things to them.
- My commentary: Longer responses and reflections on things I've come across. That could be a blog post, event or .. well anything.
- Mental Models: Pages and notes related to formulating mental models. The concept is introduced here
- Business related : Notes related to connecting business and technical or technology. Loosely overlaps with the CareerJournal.
- Career related : Posts and pages talking about career development
- Miscellaneous stuff : General pages and posts that do not fit into any particular category. Includes at the moment my 'LifeJournal'