I am Shreyas Ragavan.
I started my career as a mechanical engineer and computational physicist with a passion for design engineering and more specifically for Computational Fluid
Dynamics or CFD.
While I do love the subject and allied subjects like Aerodynamics and Combustion, somewhere along the way - I migrated to Data Science and Machine Learning which seemed to have a lot more opportunities.
I've worked across a number of domains, industries and roles over 11+ years and at my core, I enjoy solving (hacking through) problems and developing multi-disciplinary solutions at the intersections of technology, business and fun.
I love the idea of Free Software, though in practice, beyond a point - I use the tools that I need to - since I lack the talent and time to write all my own software. That being said, most of my meaningful computing takes place in Emacs.
My projects are listed on the Projects page.
Social stuff and contact
I typically use the nick shrysr on IRC channels and Github. I'm not very active on any particular platform or account, and prefer communication via email.
I would welcome connecting with you, the person reading this wiki and especially if you have any comments on the content!
Email : shreyas(at)ragavan.co
Misc things
- I am an admin on the awesome Emacs Wiki. This is nothing extraordinary in terms of the responsibilities and work involved, but I just love the wiki and the community.
- I also run one other experimental wikis and sites like:
- Humble Origin: India. Currently based out of : Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Things I use
- Macbook Pro 2018 15" 32GB RAM
- iPad Pro 10"
- iPhone 14 pro max
- Keyboardio Model 100
- Keyboardio Atreus
- Logitec MX-Ergo (Thumb trackball)
I love Emacs, and tools like OrgMode kind of changed my life and approach to things.
- Emacs (Mail, Writing, blogging, code, literate programming, managing my VPS, etc :D)
- VS Code (not my favorite, but unfortunately, I use it at work)
- PyCharm? (Python, DataGrip?)
- RStudio (R)
Paid Services and applications
- PyCharm? (Python, DataGrip?)
- Pinboard: to collate my webcaptures and these are pages that show the RSS feed of specified hashtags. I would recommend checking out the inexpensive Pinboard service. It has everything needed to bookmark and collate information from the internet and excellent levels of privacy and sharing options.
- Readwise: After reading about the power of spaced repetition and the desire to retain more of what I read, I signed up for Readwise and am currently using their RSS/Read it later service called Reader as well.
- Newsblur: I was a very happy newsblur user for nearly 2 years, and still maintain a subscription.
- Soma FM : Replaced my use of Spotify in 2023.
- MarginNote?: for marking up PDF's and longer documents to build mind maps.
- GoodNotes? : Handwritten notes and sketched using my Apple Pencil.
- Procreate : I used to enjoy drawing and crafts in my younger years and hope to pick it up again with this app.
- DevonThink?: Mac, iOS and PadOS? applications. Things like receipts, tax documents and other archival documents go into this. It also indexes my Org archive of notes, as well as any other notes that I capture on the go.
- icloud: Additional storage, mostly to facilitate device backup. The only additional storage service that I happen to use at the moment.