
I am Shreyas Ragavan.

I started my career as a mechanical engineer and computational physicist with a passion for design engineering and more specifically for Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD.

While I do love the subject and allied subjects like Aerodynamics and Combustion, somewhere along the way - I migrated to Data Science and Machine Learning which seemed to have a lot more opportunities.

I've worked across a number of domains, industries and roles over 11+ years and at my core, I enjoy solving (hacking through) problems and developing multi-disciplinary solutions at the intersections of technology, business and fun.

I love the idea of Free Software, though in practice, beyond a point - I use the tools that I need to - since I lack the talent and time to write all my own software. That being said, most of my meaningful computing takes place in Emacs.

My projects are listed on the Projects page.

Social stuff and contact

I typically use the nick shrysr on IRC channels and Github. I'm not very active on any particular platform or account, and prefer communication via email.

I would welcome connecting with you, the person reading this wiki and especially if you have any comments on the content!


Email : shreyas(at)

Misc things

Things I use



I love Emacs, and tools like OrgMode kind of changed my life and approach to things.

Paid Services and applications