Post Archive

A complete infinity-scroll digest of all the posts I've written.

In AlexSchroeder 's words: a wall of text. Convenient to Ctrl + f your way through.


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⇒ [[http://|Sexshopadato]]. 2024-08-10 02:19 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|SexydollsUsarD]]. 2024-08-10 16:23 UTC.

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⇒ RobertSow. 2024-08-12 15:27 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|imzhproAbups]]. 2024-08-13 18:50 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|insurancekat]]. 2024-08-13 20:26 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|imzhproAbups]]. 2024-08-13 21:59 UTC.

Почему тормозной цилиндр не возвращается обратно <a href=></a>

⇒ [[http://|insurancekat]]. 2024-08-13 23:41 UTC.

Почему царь Минос не принёс быка в жертву богу <a href=></a>

⇒ [[http://|imzhproAbups]]. 2024-08-14 01:21 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|insurancekat]]. 2024-08-14 02:58 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|imzhproAbups]]. 2024-08-17 19:58 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|insurancekat]]. 2024-08-17 21:55 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|avtolombardDal]]. 2024-08-19 01:46 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|avtolombard-ptsHob]]. 2024-08-19 03:43 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|novosib-zalog-ptsjonry]]. 2024-08-19 07:38 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|zaim-pod-ptsemolf]]. 2024-08-19 09:42 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|avtolombardDal]]. 2024-08-19 11:51 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|avtolombard-ptsHob]]. 2024-08-19 13:56 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|zaim-pod-ptsemolf]]. 2024-08-20 16:46 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|kladovayalViorN]]. 2024-08-21 17:05 UTC.

Узнайте, почему Яндекс Маркет может быть недоступен ????+?. Технические сбои, проблемы с интернетом или что-то ещё? ?? Показываем решения! <a href=></a> Возможные причины неработоспособности Яндекс Маркета

⇒ [[http://|kladovayalViorN]]. 2024-08-21 19:11 UTC.

Беспокоит звон, гул или шипение в ушах? Узнайте о распространенных причинах тиннитуса и о том, в каких случаях стоит обратиться к специалисту. <a href=></a> Почему появляется шум в ушах

⇒ [[http://|kladovayaznanijlViorN]]. 2024-08-21 21:18 UTC.

Почему в России милицию переименовали в полицию? Разбираемся в причинах реформы МВД 2011 года и узнаём, что изменилось на самом деле. Ответ вас удивит! <a href=></a> Почему полиция, а не милиция?

⇒ [[http://|kladovayalViorN]]. 2024-08-21 23:25 UTC.

Памятники культуры - это нить, связывающая нас с прошлым. Узнайте, почему так важно беречь эти осколки истории и как они влияют на нашу жизнь сегодня. <a href=></a> Почему важно сохранять памятники культуры

⇒ [[http://|kladovayalViorN]]. 2024-08-22 01:39 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|kladovayaznanijlViorN]]. 2024-08-22 03:44 UTC.

Кофе бодрит, но иногда вызывает головокружение. ?? Разберёмся, почему так происходит и что с этим делать. ?? <a href=></a> Почему после кофе кружится голова

⇒ [[http://|kladovayalViorN]]. 2024-08-22 05:52 UTC.

Сахар и зубная боль - есть ли связь? Развеиваем мифы о вреде сладкого и рассказываем, какие сладости самые опасные для ваших зубов. <a href=></a> Почему болят зубы после сладкого

⇒ [[http://|kladovayalViorN]]. 2024-08-22 07:57 UTC.

Узнайте, как прозвище <a href=></a> Маргарет Тэтчер: Стальной кулак в бархатной перчатке

⇒ [[http://|kladovayaznanijlViorN]]. 2024-08-22 10:06 UTC.

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⇒ [[http://|GordonBlina]]. 2024-09-01 12:56 UTC.

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beelinekrasnodaraleno. 2025-02-17 09:30 UTC.

2024-01-25-170422 is an interesting service for a particular niche

Related: CodeJournal SoftwareNotes? TechnologyChoices?

I remember coming across this service a year ago, when it hit the top of the HackerNews? website, and somehow came across it again today. The service is so inexpensive that I spent some time ruminating whether I should pick up another domain, and finally decided to continue as I was. Nevertheless, the reasoning seemed worth putting down.

If I was not fascinated about self-hosting, and did not already have a domain and a little VPS on Linode, I would have been sorely tempted to sign up. The main driver would be the price. For the cost of 20$ per year, you do not have the hassles of managing .. well anything, including the domain name and the webhosting.

For anybody more interested in hosting a website and developing a 'branded' or fun social presence, and significantly less interested in the nuances of system administration :- fits rather well, based on the services they offer.

The type of services offered seem to fill just the 'right' spot, one between sophisticated and basic needs (and some more). For example, you get a domain, a landing page, email forwarding, an IRC service, a microblog and access to a mastodon instance, all of which are generally interconnected.

What more would somebody want to establish their online presence, at a fundamental level, independent of large corporations?

Usually the issue with using services of this kind is the danger of outgrowing them or needing something a bit different, and of course, the cases where the service shuts down. This echoes why I use Emacs over Todoist.

In contrast, for the curious who have much time and curiosity to burn, on a server with root access: is the freedom to setup almost any desired service. For example, I was running a weechat instance on tmux to connect to IRC for most of the year, after which I moved on to a self-hosted ZNC bouncer. While these activities by themselves did not add a tremendous value, the process of figuring out indirectly connected things, like tmux, mosh and working on a terminal were certainly useful. An earlier post talks about some aligned points related to self-hosting your own blog.

It is probably worth noting that if it's only a website or blog that is desired - one can do so without a domain name, and at no cost with say Github, or alternatives like tildeverse. Which is how probably caters to a niche set of nerds who would like to self-host but just have neither sufficient time or motivation to plunge into that rabbit hole. And Yes, it is a rabbit hole! is not alone in this space. There is also Disroot, which started out as a privacy focused mailbox service, but seems to have expanded to offering a number of services with partnerships.

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2024-01-17-230525 Litharge - IRC bot for tracking bans in channels

IrcNotes CodeJournal PythonNotes EmacsStuff

Litharge is a bot for IRC channel bans and 'quiet' management. It is written in Python, uses an sqlite database and is available on the EmacsWiki:EmacsChannel. The database means that the history can be obtained and can be searched for tracking a number of things related to mode changes over time.

Litharge is an instance of chantracker : GitHub - ncoevoet/ChanTracker: supybot ban management and channel flood/spam/repeat protections plugin.

More information along with commands and an outline of functionality can be found on the Libera site, which also contains information on some other available bots.

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2024-01-15-215308 Published Zettelkasten note portals

This is a 'growing' list of Zettelkastens that I come across on the web. It will be updated as and when I remember to. The main reason I have this rather boring note here.. is because it appears there are no such lists anywhere, and sometimes I want to browse somebody's digital garden. It would also serve to be a handy example whenever I want to share the concept with anybody.

Related: ZettelkastenNotes ProductivityJournal PublishingOnline HumanNetwork SocialOutreach

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2024-01-14-232214 Searching through open buffers in Emacs

[2024-01-14 23:22]

EmacsStuff ProductivityJournal CodeJournal

Several times, especially while working with a lot of files, whether in a code base of a bunch of interconnected ZettelkastenNotes, one forgets which file contains that particular snippet of text, particularly among those files that are already open. consult-line-multi is a handy solution to find that buffer, which is suggested to be bound to M-s L. This can be combined with Embark to obtain an occur like buffer which can be edited.

The above defaults to doing so among the project buffers if projectile is active. It can be made to search all open buffers using the prefix C-u. It also provides a preview if that is enabled. A project root is usually identified by a .git or a .projectile

There are other commands, like multi-occur-in-matching-buffers which can search buffers matching a regexp. That can be useful if one knows the format before hand, like org files. helm-swoop and variants would probably be the equal commands if you are using the helm package.

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2024-01-01-154304 Ethics and data science - a hippocratic oath and other things

[2024-01-01 Mon 15:43]

Related: DataScienceJournal CodeJournal DataScienceEthics? PhilosophyJournal DataGovernance? <<<CloudComputing? MyCommentary

WIRED has an article out that highlights some interesting things about discussions related to Ethics in AI and data science. The meeting hashed out a bunch of principles which are meant to be starting points and guidelines for policy makers to think about data ethics. One of the main questions asked was whether practitioners should follow some kind of hippocratic oath, considering that the practitioners are best positioned to implement sound data ethics in the whole process.

There was atleast one person who thought the principles stated were so general that nobody would disagree with them. The concern was also there that companies would be happy to agree to these principles and then continue business as usual. There was an interesting example where data scientists in AT&T refused to work on a project since they felt the vendor involved was not ethical - and while that was accepted, the project just moved on with different data scientists who did not have that problem. In such cases, it feels like the so called hippocratic oath is 'optional' which detracts significantly from the value and impact of the oath.

DJ Patil himself expressed his thought that society cannot rely on tech companies to think carefully about the effects of their data fuelled products. It was mentioned that historical evidence suggests that tech companies become contrite or take measure against these issues only when under sufficient pressure, and this means either financial, or from the Government. i.e. measures like the GDPR which are government driven would be more effective than an oath taken by an individual practitioner.

What good would an oath do, if only a handful of employees in a large company or team decide to follow it? Is this an area where one would be comfortable trusting the honor system? I for one would not want to trust an honor system.

I wonder though, irrespective of following an oath or things being enforced by a formal GDPR esque policy - is there really a way as of today to enforce any policy with respect to data? Who exactly is checking that the rules have been followed?

All that being said, one has to start 'somewhere'. A hippocratic oath is better than having no oath, and could be a signal to the entire 'culture of data science', imbibed from the fundamental educational stage. Some guidelines existing to help policy makers is better than no guidelines. Enforcing may be a thing that could be looked at, after figuring out what policies need mandatory adoption.

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2023-12-28-121001 Mental models as a concept

[2023-12-28 Thu]

Related: LifeSkills? BusinessJournal PhilosophyJournal MentalModels MyCommentary

  • Mental models are about thinking and creating 'followable' models or guiding principles regarding the most important concepts that influence our lives on a very regular basis. A mental model reduces the friction of (re) thinking and results in many seemingly disparate benefits, like more consistent decisions reached more easily, or displaying a clarity in thinking.
  • The thought process is that a clear mental model that captures the essence of the concepts is all that is required as a fundamental base. It is not possible to completely master everything. However, having a clear basic understanding of a variety of concepts and workflows would certainly help in making accurate decisions and analyses of the situation. For example, knowing about the concept factor of safety that is incorporated into mechanical design is useful as a model in terms of reliable design of any process, or in planning events or a project.
  • By extension, to be useful, a mental model should be referred to frequently, and should be accurate. Time should be taken to formulate a reasonable mental model, with care given to validate and refine the same.
  • The articles highlight the importance of constantly learning or acquiring new skills or expertise and constructing these mental models, which can form the basis of astute decisions and analyses. The key is imbibing all new information into a lattice of sorts that supports your thinking and decision making on a daily basis.
  • The flip side of absorbing concepts from different fields is that everything is easily forgotten if it is not practised or actively recalled in some manner or the other. If a mental model is a thing that can be applied almost every day, then it's worth reviewing relevant notes on a very frequent basis, and actively connecting formulated mental models to ongoing things in our life or career, not to mention a process for realising the need for a new mental model.

References :

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2023-12-28-092300 Pursuing incremental progress against doubters is an example of a growth mindset

[2023-12-28 Thu 09:23]

Related: LifeJournal PhilosophyJournal MentalModels LifeSkills? QualityOfLifeAdjustments? BlogIdea?

In the book Born Standing up, Steve Martin says that he did not strive valiantly against doubters, but took incremental steps studded with a few intuitive leaps. This is an example of the growth mindset explained the book Mindset (Dweck, Carol S., 2008)

I think this is a subtle, but important thing to be cognizant of. In the quest for performance and glory, it becomes easy to become obssessed with, or react violently to criticism and doubters. This kind of behavior is more consistent with the fixed mindset, where you refuse to acknowledge the potential to grow, and yet cannot really ignore it and so 'react', perhaps similar to the examples of John McEnroe?.

Chipping away : whether at a project, or perceived flaws or anything you really want to do seems to be the only sure shot way to getting something done, if not achieving said goal. Even in this case, one might still fail - but such a failure becomes bearable because of the belief and passion that is powering the mundane actions needed to chip away at the goal, and thus making the journey itself worthy irrespective of the outcome. It's worth noting that journeys often accumulate many side-benefits, both intentional and un-intentional.

The concept of chipping away at a larger outcome is also emphasised in the book Atomic Habits (Clear, James, 2018) where building habits start from a tangible, small habit. If you become 1% better everyday, you are 365% better at the end of the year.

I think another key thing to keep in mind is in understanding (and remembering) the 'human element' of criticism, and noting whether the statement is subjective or not. Whether it is your boss or your colleague, sometimes judgment is passed without a complete view of the situation and factors. Opinions can change based on how your day is going, and is shaped by your own life experiences as well. Once this empathy is in place, I've found that it becomes easier to 'stay on track', and perhaps makes one more 'human' in the process. BusinessJournal, CareerJournal.

There is in short, not much point in reacting or even thinking 'too much' when proferred criticism - a balanced approach, with systematic effort towards mitigation is more likely to provide better results in the long run. Measured reaction is always a good path to good mental and physical health. One may be able to move mountains in a day, but it is unlikely that can be done everyday.

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