2020-04-29 Rants on maintaining a job wiki
[[tag:DataScienceJournal]] [[tag:EmacsStuff]] [[tag:OddmuseWiki]] I added some material to the [[https://wikijobs.ragavan.co|Jobs . . .
4K - last updated 2023-12-17 23:21 UTC by shrysr
2023-07-06 Post from safari on the iPad
Attempting to write a post from iPad. Written using the notes app. The format would not probably be markdown . . . application and edit there in peace. Tags: [[tag:OddmuseWiki]] [[tag:MobileWandering]] . . .
1K - last updated 2023-07-06 06:35 UTC by shrysr
2023-07-08 A summary of my journey to Oddmuse
> Article describing an evolution in thought process that led to using Oddmuse for my blog and site. . . . [2023-07-03 Mon 23:07] Tags: [[tag:OddmuseWiki]] [[tag:ProductivityJournal]] [[tag:ZettelkastenNotes]] . . .
7K - last updated 2023-09-02 08:15 UTC by shrysr
2023-07-16 More thoughts on this website and oddmuse
[2023-07-13 16:33] Tags: [[tag:BlogPublished]] [[tag:OddmuseWiki]] [[tag:MyCommentary]] [[tag:EmacsStuff]] . . . [[tag:OddmuseWiki]] [[tag:SocialOutreach]] [[tag:PublishingOnline]] . . .
7K - last updated 2024-01-25 02:14 UTC by shrysr
4 pages found.