2020-04-09 Automating the deployment of my Hugo site
Tags: [[tag:PublishingOnline]] [[tag:Linux notes]] [[tag:Hugo]] [[tag:technicalNotes]] [[tag:CodeJournal]] . . . really necessary to have the 'P' (PHP) or M (MySQL) setup if one is not using Wordpress (or other . . .
9K - last updated 2024-01-14 19:14 UTC by shrysr
2024-01-17-230525 Litharge - IRC bot for tracking bans in channels
IrcNotes CodeJournal PythonNotes EmacsStuff Litharge is a bot for IRC channel bans and 'quiet' management. . . . It is written in Python, uses an sqlite database and is available on the EmacsWiki:EmacsChannel. . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-26 04:11 UTC by shrysr
Tags: [[tag:sql]] [[tag:technicalNotes]] # Init These are my notes on using SQL and PostgresSQL. # TODO . . . SQL Overview This will be a collection of notes on . . . Extracts from reference : <https://data36.com/sql-best-practices-data-analysts/> - Order in which . . . for large databases. - Additional Reference [SQL Style Guide](https://www.sqlstyle.guide/) - Employ . . . / debian sudo apt-get install postgres postgresql-contrib When installed, a superuser named postgres . . .
8K - last updated 2019-10-27 13:24 UTC by shrysr
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