2017-04-02 Getting productive - an exploration into holistic task management
Tags: [[tag:EmacsStuff]] [[tag:PKMNotes]] [[tag:ProductivityJournal]] # Introduction To integrate tasks, . . . tasks/notes very easily across main tasks or categories or projects 7. Customisable Views of the . . .
11K - last updated 2023-12-18 04:56 UTC by shrysr
2019-10-29 EmacsConf 2019 !
Tags: [[tag:EmacsStuff]] [[tag:EmacsConf]] I had forgotten about the 2019 Emacs conference, and was actually . . . does not have an inherent method to create subcategories of pages. I think they use ikiwiki now. . . .
2K - last updated 2023-12-25 22:52 UTC by shrysr
2023-12-08-143028 Inducing a curiosity in Emacs - gently and inclusively
[2023-12-08 14:30] EmacsStuff CodeJournal SocialOutreach The [https://emacsconf.org/2023/talks/ 2023 . . . way he has structured his insight into some main categories that reflect commonly performed actions . . .
3K - last updated 2024-02-26 02:37 UTC by shrysr
- [[Life]] - [[Emacs]] - [[DataScience]] - [[R]] - [[Python]] . . .
1K - last updated 2020-01-16 04:57 UTC by 6016
# Welcome Hi! I'm [[shrysr|Shreyas Ragavan]] and this is my corner of the web. Learn more on [[About]]. . . . multiple entry-points in terms of the topics and categories available on this site. ## [[Weblog]] > . . .
2K - last updated 2024-01-14 18:44 UTC by shrysr
> STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. This page will index the broad categories of the content available on this . . .
3K - last updated 2024-01-18 02:12 UTC by shrysr
6 pages found.