About this site

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< # This wiki
< This is an [oddmuse:About] wiki.
< This weblog + wiki is running on Oddmuse. It is heavily inspired by
< [[https://alexschroeder.ch/|Alex Schroeder]]'s setup who developed Oddmuse. The
< wiki is served by an Apache webserver on a Linode instance.
< Why oddmuse? I've written [[tag:OddmuseWiki|some posts]] about it. In short I
< find it relatively easy or even pleasurable to use and simple to deploy. I like
< the general ease of creating and collecting pages with tags and searches in
< oddmuse. Beyond all this, the EmacsWiki runs on oddmuse ;)
< Hat tip to bandali on #emacs for directing me towards Oddmuse. Visit #oddmuse on
< Libera to talk to kensanata, AlexDaniel and others who created + drive the
< development of Oddmuse.
< # License
< Unless specified otherwise - text, such as blog posts, essays and notes are
< licensed under a [Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
< — CC BY-ND 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/) license.
< Unless specified otherwise, all code, as well as any inline documentation, is
< available under the terms of [The GNU General Public License v3.0 - GNU Project -
< Free Software Foundation](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html).
< ## Notes for posterity
< - The license above was initially adapted from [Emacs Ninja -
< Legal](https://emacsninja.com/legal.html). The author of the website also
< pointed me towards [Audio/Video - GNU Project - Free-Software
< Foundation](https://audio-video.gnu.org/audio/) where a similar CC BY-ND
< license was used. It made sense to me that I would prefer being asked before
< derivatives or remixes are made to content that I publish.
< - The GPL V3 was chosen (over the more permissive MIT or other licenses) because
< I like the general idea of being able to assert a copyright, but also support
< the freedom for others to use it.
< - The above (as with any personal opinion and preference expressed on this site)
< may change in the future as I learn more about licenses and my perspectives
< change.


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