> STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. This page will index the broad categories of the content available on this website. # Site and author related - [[About]] : general information about me and this site. - [[RecentChanges|Updates]] : site wide updates, history and diffs. - [[Projects]] : list of notable projects # Notes and Blog > I am currently experiementing with including a UUID for each note. The UUID also corresponds to the file name, and inception date for the note in my HowmNotes driven ZettelkastenNotes system. Therefore a note with a much older inception date could be recently published. - [[Weblog]] : A chronological (by inception date) list of notes. - [[Post Archive|Post Digest Archive]] : The weblog as a wall of text. # Collections of pages and posts > In no particular order of preference. Note that [[CodeJournal|Code Journal]] is meant to collect most of the *technical* topics mentioned below. - [[OddmuseWiki | Oddmuse related things]] - did I mention I really like Oddmuse and do not know Perl? Wikis are fascinating. Oddmuse is cool! - [[DataScienceJournal|Data science Related]] - Anything data science. Both technical and non-technical rants. - [[EmacsStuff| Emacs related]] : Anything that is remotely related to Emacs, which is probably a lot on this site. Both technical and non-technical stuff. - [[tag:RNotes|R related things]] : Anything related to R including code snippets, notes and references. - [[PythonNotes|Python stuff]] : Anything related to Python, including code snippets, notes and references - [[HumanNetwork|Cool human beings]] : lists the pages that function as references to cool people. It makes it easier to quote or attribute things to them. - [[MyCommentary|My commentary]]: Longer responses and reflections on things I've come across. That could be a blog post, event or .. well anything. - [[MentalModels|Mental Models]]: Pages and notes related to formulating mental models. The concept is introduced [[2023-12-28-121001 Mental models as a concept|here]] - [[BusinessJournal|Business related]] : Notes related to connecting business and technical or technology. Loosely overlaps with the CareerJournal. - [[CareerJournal| Career related]] : Posts and pages talking about career development - [[MiscCategory|Miscellaneous stuff]] : General pages and posts that do not fit into any particular category. Includes at the moment my 'LifeJournal'
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