[2023-07-09 11:28] Tags: [[tag:TravelStuff]] [[tag:InformationGeneral]] Other than a phase in a previous job, my travelling has always been rather infrequent. I think in such cases, it is even more useful to have some kind of standard guide and checklists to remind myself of things. The case is strengthened since I am planning out a vacation soon. Arguably, this could easily be a list in my iOS Notes app or in Org mode - but I like having this handy reference on my wiki, and it gives me an opportunity to write about Tom Bihn, one of my favourite bag companies. They recently posted a nice blog post with a pre-made packing list that one can easily fork from. I mention forking because the list is quite comprehensive and it may be unlikely all the items are required. In addition, there are tips on packing and links to their product collections as well. I would also add in line with one of the comments on the post that it is worth carrying important medication in a carry-on bag so that it is always immediately accessible. - [[ The Complete International Travel Packing List]] - (Archived link : ) Sidenote: I got myself a Synik 30 this year, and it has pretty much lived up to most if not all my expectations. It works great to organise many small things, and the excellent room inside the bag allows it being useful for a surprising variety of tasks, including picking up groceries. The edgeless shoulder straps are also awesome.
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