[2023-12-28 Thu] Related: LifeSkills BusinessJournal PhilosophyJournal MentalModels MyCommentary - Mental models are about thinking and creating 'followable' models or guiding principles regarding the most important concepts that influence our lives on a very regular basis. A mental model reduces the friction of (re) thinking and results in many seemingly disparate benefits, like more consistent decisions reached more easily, or displaying a clarity in thinking. - The thought process is that a clear mental model that captures the essence of the concepts is all that is required as a fundamental base. It is not possible to completely master everything. However, having a clear basic understanding of a variety of concepts and workflows would certainly help in making accurate decisions and analyses of the situation. For example, knowing about the concept factor of safety that is incorporated into mechanical design is useful as a model in terms of reliable design of any process, or in planning events or a project. - By extension, to be useful, a mental model should be referred to frequently, and should be accurate. Time should be taken to formulate a reasonable mental model, with care given to validate and refine the same. - The articles highlight the importance of constantly learning or acquiring new skills or expertise and constructing these mental models, which can form the basis of astute decisions and analyses. The key is imbibing all new information into a lattice of sorts that supports your thinking and decision making on a daily basis. - The flip side of absorbing concepts from different fields is that everything is easily forgotten if it is not practised or actively recalled in some manner or the other. If a mental model is a thing that can be applied almost every day, then it's worth reviewing relevant notes on a very frequent basis, and actively connecting formulated mental models to ongoing things in our life or career, not to mention a process for realising the need for a new mental model. References : - JamesClear: [article introducing mental models]( - CharlieMunger: [The Munger operating system](
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